Monday, May 6, 2013

I have been out on our deck all day.  Well, not all day.  I did vacuum this morning and walked around the yard planning my garden.  I visited over the fence with a neighbor and she told of her sewing project.  I'm envious.  My experience with those projects are not good.  When our daughter was in high school, she tried to make a stuffed bear.  I tried to help.  The animal came out looking strung out.  Just the other day my daughter put a picture on Facebook of her husband and Anna, our four year old granddaughter.  They were sewing at a machine with the caption "Because I don't know how."  Well, I don't either.  I think I'll leave the lessons to our son in law.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Lily our three year old granddaughter wanted to see my Bible the other day.  She ran her hands over the embroidered flowers on the cover.  We unzipped the jacket and out fell pictures and prayers lists.  Lily exclaimed and asked what each piece was.  " Your Bible is fancy spancy, Nana!"  We giggled.  Something I do alot around our grandchildren.
We have 5 of them.  Yes, five.  Love them all to pieces  And Ive gained 20 pounds with each
one of them!